Monthly Archives: April 2020


Top career Books

April 23rd is World Book day!   I do love books and the potential they awaken in me, in celebration of world book day I'd like to share a couple of books with you today! I'll keep it short, although the list of books that had a remarkable impact on [...]

Top career Books2020-04-23T15:04:40+00:00

The power of a phone call

When coaching clients that want my support with regards to a career change, we often end up looking at their own application strategy. My coachees traditionally put a lot of energy in creating the perfect CV and meaningful cover letters to use on the overt job market and activate their [...]

The power of a phone call2020-05-04T12:16:20+00:00

Video job interviews

Video job interviews are an increasingly common part of the hiring process. While it is nothing new for many expats and 'glocal' employees, for those who have never worked or applied for jobs in an international context, the new situation bears a couple of questions. What should you consider, when [...]

Video job interviews2020-04-14T20:46:43+00:00

Überleben im Open Space

Man liebt sie, man hasst sie, vor allem man hat sie. Und sind sie in den Chefetagen erst einmal beschlossene Sache, lassen sie sich kaum mehr umgehen. Die Open-Space-Büros. Bereits 2010 ergab eine Studie der HSLU in Zusammenarbeit mit dem SECO , dass die Schweiz von Grossraumbüros nicht viel hält; [...]

Überleben im Open Space2020-04-10T23:14:17+00:00

Survival in open space offices

We love them, we hate them, above all we have them more and more. And once decided by the management that it’s the way to work, they can hardly be avoided: The open space offices. Already in 2010, a study by HSLU in collaboration with SECO showed that Switzerland doesn't [...]

Survival in open space offices2020-04-30T14:15:45+00:00

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