Waves of inspiration

Home/Waves of inspiration


This inspiration by Professor Campbell has rarely been as true as in today's volatile, uncertain, ambiguous and complex world. While #VUCA has long been a reality for businesses and us humans alike, I'd like to rather focus at the skill it requires from us to navigate this type of environment: [...]


When you’re feeling bad: stay present – with the end in mind

It's hard to make predictions, especially about the future... Yogi Berra   One of the hardest challenges I often observe in my coachings and also personally used to face, is sticking to self-care activities such as daily yoga and meditation routines in more stressful times. Simultaneously, I am aware that [...]

When you’re feeling bad: stay present – with the end in mind2020-05-10T10:13:23+00:00

Gandhi was right. You just need to start with small little things..

Turn frustration into satisfaction or: Mentor the change you want to see in the world! I got involved into mentoring programmes out of a frustration and a hope. The frustration that sometimes I wished there was someone to give me more guidance or someone I could ask things, and the [...]

Gandhi was right. You just need to start with small little things..2020-04-20T11:07:39+00:00

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