April 23rd is World Book day!
I do love books and the potential they awaken in me, in celebration of world book day I’d like to share a couple of books with you today!
I’ll keep it short, although the list of books that had a remarkable impact on me is long.. And I’d like to take the opportunity and say THANK YOU to all those authors that created amazing works that change people’s lives! One of my future projects is #readersareleaders – a platform with a collection of life changing books! Subscribe here to stay tuned about the project!
I love books and believe they can be powerful coaches – not necessarily because I identify with all the views of the authors, but often because one thought stimulates further thoughts and ideas and the books end up making me grow. Here come some books that have influenced my career as well as the way I am creating it:
- Susan Cain’s Quiet – it helps better understand yourself and / or others!
- Carol Dweck’s Mindset – stretch your comfort zone and become a happier more successful person!
- Any book by Dale Carnegie and Steven Covey Their books are simply inspiring and his principles help taking personal and professional life to a next level!
- Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking fast and slow -being conscious about our unconscious is really helpful
- Like Kahneman, Thaler’s Nudge makes you become conscious – and a better decision maker
- Change Anything – because it’s so powerful to own your habits
- Playing big – ever wondered whether you use all your potential?
- How to get sh*t done – because it has helped me boost my creativity!
- What color is your Parachute? 2020, Richart N. Bolle – I am impressed by the creative views and ideas to change jobsearch
- Why women don’t ask – because it made me rethink my attitude towards negotiation!
- Man’s search for meaning – My Coach made me re-read it, it’s just so powerful!
- Wander Woman – through this book I realized how much I can change in my career – and I became a huge fan of Marcia Reynolds
- Range – why generalists triumph in a specialist world, David J. Epstein – because I, too, believe that it is an asset to be a generalist!
- What works by the inspiring Iris Bohnet – equality made in a way THAT WORKS!
…the list is non-conclusive, but a great snapshot of books that could also change your life!
Currently on my bedside table: Invisible Women by Criado Perez , Yuval Harari’s 21 Lessons for the 21st Century and Peggy Orenstein’s Don’t Call me Princess.
Yeah, by now you know I’m a multi-reader and currently care about raising my daughter in a world with equal rights… 😉
What books have changed you and the way you think about your career? Let me know!
PS: I love books and believe they can be a powerful coach! I only promote books that I have read myself and therefore truly recommend. Some of the links in my blog are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I earn a small commission. Full transparency: on amazon it is a maximum of 5% of the book price. Once I have a critical mass of visitors on my blog, I hope the commission will finance the books I buy to do an even better job as Coach, Consultant, Facilitator and Moderator, but there is still a way to go for that… If you like my recommendations and want to support me, now you know what you are contributing to. The decision is yours, and whether or not you buy something is completely up to you.