As a marketing expert I am well aware that the format in which we present information is just as relevant as the content itself. My goal is to always move my audience, no matter in which media!
You’ll meet me as:
- Keynote speaker at various events, i.a. TEDxZurich, SND, Peru emprende, Uni Basel
- Moderation of events and panels as a board member & president of a business club
- Regular conception, facilitation/moderation and leading of workshops for international clients, e.g. Impact Hub, Swisscontact Peru and Switzerland, WAIC Beijing
- Author of the Dinosaur Principle, Springer Verlag 2017 and regular columnist at die Wirtschaftsfrau
- 10+ years of experience as a lecturer at various Business Schools (HWZ, KV Zürich, SAWI, SIB, Innosuisse) in Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Strategy, Sustainable Business, Marketing.
My passion: start-ups, (social) entrepreneurship, strategy, leadership, marketing, boards of directors and advisory boards, investing and gender related topics, such as women in business and women investors!
I offer all of the above in German, English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
An extract:
NZZ Executive
Interviewed me in their “33 Fragen an..” section.
asked me 7 questions (in German)
ZHAW – University of Applied Sciences
Made an alumna portrait about me and my social entreprise Sexy Little Bag. Read the full article here. (in German)
Radio 24
Radio 24 wanted to know some hints on negotiating, for your MBO, but also useful at home! (in German)
Part 1
Part 2
Life Careerism Magazine:
How do you create your life career? Read more on pages 4 & 5 (in German)
TEDx Talk
Watch my TEDx Talk on a personal, but leadership related topic
Law consulting Schoeni Podcast:
Listen to my podcast about the right mindset of an entrepreneur as a guest at Law Consulting Schoeni (in German)
Frauen & Karriere:
See my book recommendations on page 11 of the “Frauen & Karriere” issue of Universum Global (in German)